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Geurzicht _ Tentoonstelling _web.jpg

Sense of Nature

Solo exhibition 

Conferentiecentrum Drakenburg

Baarn NL

van 4 april t/m 30 juni 2022




Gaia (2019)

Cedar trees: Atlas cedar ( 2017)

Cedar trees: Japanese cedar ( 2017)

Cedar trees: Himalayan cedar (2017)

Tree of Heaven (2022)

Moss Girl (2021)

Leaves (2021)

Fougere (2020)

Touch of nature- 2 (2022) 

Pouhon  (2022)

Touch of nature- 1 (2022) 

Touch of nature- 3 (2022) 

Pilgrim (2021)

Water (2021) (sold)

GEURZICHT, sense of nature
Exhibition at Drakenburg Convention Center

April 4 to June 30, 2022

Natural scents have healing powers and evoke images and memories that Claudia de Vos expresses in her art objects and installations. These scents, originating from flowers, plants and trees, can also actually be smelled in the artworks themselves.

The exhibition includes fragrant ceramic statues, paintings and even tapestries.

With Geurzicht, sense of nature Claudia opens a window to the world of natural scents.

de bron_ web.jpg

Pouhon (2022) 

Olfactory Tapestry

photographic composition on double veil, fragrance (Senegalia catechu)

Size: 100 x 34 cm


Rusting is a natural process in which oxidation occurs: contact with air causes the rusting process. Not only iron can rust, water can also 'rust'. The water of an iron source is rich in Fe2+ ; ferrous minerals. Due to the conversion by iron bacteria to Fe3+, the water often has spectacular red and yellow-brown colors. The water from iron sources - a 'Pouhon'-  was used in spas in the past as 'beneficial water'. However, the taste was unpleasant and was disguised by the addition of anise, cumin or orange peel.


When we age, we as humans also rust. We try with all our might to avoid this process, to inhibit it and thus to strive for eternal youth. The assumption of manufacturability and with it the time we spend on all these actions means that we are moving further and further away from our real nature - our source. By surrendering to (our) nature you can become part of nature. If you look closely, you will discover five offerings (or surrenders or in the form of Isadora Duncan ) in the canvas.


A special essence is extracted from the Senegalia catechu, an Acaia tree from South Asia. No essential oil. An aqueous substance with medicinal properties is extracted from the heartwood of the tree and made into a tincture. This tincture has anti-inflammatory properties, among other things, and is best known in Ayurvedic medicine. Traditionally, it is also used as a rejuvenating cure: it is said to inhibit the oxidation process in the fat cells.


Tincture has a fragrance. Because a tincture is a solution in alcohol, it can be used in making fragrance compositions. The tincture of the Acacia catechu has a very special smell, one that we do not often encounter in nature. It has the smell of iron, rust, blood, earth mixed with the smell of a powdery boudoir.


  675 euros 

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Cedar tree heritages
CEDAR TREE HERITAGES Call for reflection .jpg
Himalayaceder _ Claudia De Vos _ Connecting scents.jpg
Japanese cedar -Totoro tree.jpg

Call for reflection

Top of the world 




Wooden panels with ceramics, sheet metal (gold) and scent tubes

Dimensions per piece 60 X 60 cm


Call for reflection  (Atlas cedar  Cedrus atlantica)

Top of the world  (Himalayan cedar Cedrus deodara )

totorotree  (Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica )


Cedar trees have similar symbolism all over the world. They are often used in similar rituals such as ancestor worship, trance travel and meditation. One explanation for this is that cedar oil contains ingredients that make us feel calmer. The fragrance is known for its 'grounding' effect.


In North America, the RED Cedar, also known as the tree of life, is a sacred tree for the West-Coast Indians that can be found in many of their rituals. The Himalayan cedar is used by Tibetan monks when meditating. In Japan we find the cedar in many temple complexes as a sacred tree. In the Middle East, the tree was used for temple building, not only because of the quality of the wood, but also because of the smell that the wood exhales. In Europe there is often an association with  'floor wax', pews and mothballs. That could be right; because cedar oil has a preservative effect and is also an insecticide.


To the left of the works is the cedar scent that is specific to the work in individual tubes.

Meditating with art: watch the VIDEO here

For the blind and visually impaired: listen to the AUDIO with description here


1985- euros  (per panel)

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Fougère | Claudia de Vos (2020).jpg

Fougere (2020)

3D wall object

Photographic composition on plexiglass, porcelain, quill pen, strings with tuning pegs, plant material and natural fragrance accord 

W 100 x H 68 x D 10 cm


Fougère, French for fern, is a composite fragrance. It consists of components that reflect the feeling and experience of the forest. The natural composition includes violet, bergamot, petitgrain and benzoin.  The first Fougère perfumes date from 1882, the time when art movements such as Impressionism and Symbolism flourished. A fragrance that only exists as an 'idea', real fern distillates did not exist before, even now, these are rare.


Over the years, various Fougére chords have been developed; all with the aim of reproducing the feeling of ferns in the forest. For me, this fact was an invitation to make my own interpretation of this in smell and form.


For the blind and visually impaired: listen to the AUDIO with description here


1795- euros 

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My forest Claudia De Vos _ (klein) .jpg

Gaia (2019)

3D wall object

ceramics  tree root, resin, wood, metal leaf (gold), fragrance (pine) 

Size: ø 65 cm D 15 cm


Gaia is inspired by the consequences of a major storm at the beginning of 2018, which caused an enormous amount of trees in various Dutch forests to be broken or blown down. It was mainly the pines that had to suffer. Walking into the forest where such havoc had taken place and seeing all those uprooted trees evokes a sense of devastation. But at the same time there is also the experience of a primal force: Gaia. Gaia - the earth - as a self-regulating system, destructive and creative. Gaia always finds a way to recover. In this case, because light is created in the forest, so that there is room for new trees to germinate. Also the smell of pine resin that you smell when it is released after such havoc is literally a breath of fresh air. A scent that makes breathing deepen. In this way we experience peace and space, which makes us relax.  


Order and chaos, give and take. Man is also nature and we are dealing with dualism. It is good to remember that we often take more than we need. Out of greed we appropriate all kinds of 'jewels' that can be found in nature. How much is enough?


Gaia was part of the installation "My forest Gaia" which could be seen during the exhibition 'Raw Materials'  in 2019 at Groeneveld Castle. Look at this  the meditative VIDEO  


2185 euros

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Touch of nature
Touch of nature (Beeld)_ Claudia de Vos .jpeg
Touch of Nature, paneel _ Claudia de Vos (web).jpg
Touch of nature (Tapijt) _ Claudia de Vosjpeg.jpeg

Touch of nature (2022)  


Touch of nature  (1)


Ceramics, gold leaf (double tower gold 23.75 k), fragrance composition with fresh grass,

in perspex display case with integrated fragrance system

Size: H 20 x W 20 x D 10 cm


Touch of nature  (2)


Wood panel with ceramics and gold leaf (double tower gold 23.75 k), fragrance composition with fresh grass, integrated fragrance system

  Size: H 60 x W 60 cm


Touch of nature  (3)

Olfactory Tapestry

Tufted tapestry in pure new wool, fragrance composition with fresh grass, integrated fragrance system

Size: H 122 x W 116 cm


As children we are very close to nature. We are curious and want to discover everything: we don't find anything dirty or strange. We play in an infinite sense of trust. The child's nature does not change until we are conditioned by our environment with a “beware; that is dirty or wrong.” In this way it can happen that step by step we get further and further away from our playfulness and power of discovery. It's getting harder and harder to feel who we originally were. To reconnect with that curious, playful inner child, smells and images can lead the way in.


The child who feels the giant leaf is a reminder to keep listening carefully. Not only to your own nature, but also to your connection with nature. After all, we can't do without.

The smell of freshly cut grass is one of the most highly valued scents, associating it with outdoor play and freedom. It can almost only be smelled in its natural state - outside - or as a synthetic counterfeit product. However, the scent of grass that you smell in this composition comes from a vegetable source: Mentha arvensis, from the (pepper)mint family. Distillation (fractional distillation) has isolated part of the fragrance as CIS-3-hexanol which has the smell of freshly cut grass. We also smell a spicy note; the smell of hay from the Austrian Alps. This is the dried grass after a long, blistering summer. The top note of the composition is bergamot, which has a positive effect on the mood. Because neurotransmitters are produced in the brain when smelling this smell, we feel happier.


Touch of nature ” has three expressions because it is made of three different materials and with small differences in scent.  



Touch of nature  (1)  † Image: 675 euros

Touch of nature  (2) |  Panel : 1995,- euro

Touch of nature  (3) |  Olfactory tapestry : 3990 euros

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Mosmeisje| Claudia de Vos (2021) small .jpg

Moss Girl (2021)

Olfactory Tapestry

photographic composition with relief on velvet, integrated fragrance system.

Dimensions: 100 x 100 cm.


In myths and stories, mosses create the atmosphere of an enchanted forest. Silently, the mosses play a role with their slow movement, their shades of green and their tactile cuddliness. Shakespeare makes Titania dream on a bed of lush moss during that long midsummer night. Up close, mosses look like a miniature forest. Suddenly we can observe the world from a bird's eye view and be released from our earthly self. The smell of this world has captured the imagination for centuries.


A number of types of moss scent have been incorporated in this work;  including oakmoss (evernia prunastri). This fragrance has an erotic component because its ingredients resemble animal musk. Musk comes from a gland of the musk deer, which eats mosses as its main food. The fragrance contains animal pheromones, which has an aphrodisiac effect. Moss growth is an indicator of air pollution; it mainly grows in areas where there is clean air. An untouched piece of paradise nature.


2185 euros  (incl. 9% VAT) 

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Pilgrim (2021)


Ceramic with gold leaf (14 krt), prepared seedlings, on a stump with the scent of honey and resin | Canvas with sheet metal (gold) and a wooden staff.

Dimensions: W 120 x H 180 x D 40 cm


Pilgrim was originally part of the tree of heaven artwork. In the end, works were split up in which the canvas 'tree of heaven' in this exhibition is a reference to whispering bells, a farewell ritual with scent. (Read more )


The scent in Pilgrim is incorporated in the object in a special way. A self-developed natural scratch and sniff with the scent of honey and resin is applied to the top of the stump on which the feet stand. Placing a hand on the stump heats the material and releases the odor. 

Honey is also called 'tears of the sun' in mythology. The scent of honey associates with sweet promise, fulfillment and summer. We are all pilgrims, along the way in our lives looking for the same promise and fulfillment. Pilgrim wants to invite you to a meditative moment.



2185 euros  (incl. 9% VAT) 

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Tree of Heaven (2022)

Olfactory Tapestry 

Photographic composition with relief on silk voile

Dimensions: W 120 x H 180 cm.


Tree of Heaven is a photographic composition on silk voile. Heaven and earth are connected with a red silk thread: 'as above, so below'.  


The Tree of Heaven was originally part of the work of art pilgrim. The canvas as shown in this exhibition is a reference to the farewell ritual 'whisper bells'.  


There are reminder cards on the wires as used in the farewell ritual. The cards are then impregnated with a specially composed fragrance. Scents have specific symbolic meanings and evoke memories. 

Every farewell has its own story in which someone's life is remembered with scent. 

Read more about it here  whisper bells


Price and specific fragrance: on request

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Waterweelde _ Claudia de Vos _ 2.40 x 1.33 .jpg
Isadora Duncan

Water (2022)

Olfactory Tapestry 

Embossed photographic composition on velvet, integrated fragrance system.

Dimensions: 244 x 133 cm.


“Water creates reflections and can turn the world upside down and change your perspective. Underwater as a metaphorical entrance to the subconscious, as smells evoke memories from the subconscious. The olfactory tapestry 'Water' is an ode to these aspects of water.

In the tapestry is the figure Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) , one of the founders of modern dance: "... to become one with the general movement and harmony of nature".

For this work I made a fragrance composition with 'water-like' properties; to follow the trail to your inner wisdom with open eyes and nose. One of the scents I've used is red mandarin: a scent for having sweet dreams.  



€ 4395,- (SOLD)



Leaves _ Claudia de Vos (web).jpg

Leaves (2021)


Photographic composition on velvet with scent device

Fragrance: composition with mushroom

Dimensions cloth:  B 100  x H 75 cm

Dimensions fragrance device W 40 x H 70 x D 20 cm


The beauty of life can be experienced in the transience of things. The fallen leaf that transforms itself into food for the earth. Our own impermanence may perhaps be made more bearable by becoming aware that nothing is lost, but merely takes on a different form. That we are part of the never-ending cycle of budding, growing, dying, and budding again. Again is   Isadora Duncan is the figure on the canvas whose movement represents the cycle of nature.


The smell of impermanence might resemble the smell of a forest in autumn.

In the fragrance device, a handmade scent funnel made of paper on a block of split sequoia wood, we smell scent elements that have been put together to suggest the feeling of an autumn forest. In this composition I have incorporated the scent of moss, cedar and mushrooms.


€ 1195, -  (incl. 9% VAT) 

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Alleenstaande den_ Claudia de Vos (web).jpg

Single pine (2021) 

Two-sided Photographic composition with relief

on canvas with integrated fragrance system .

Size: 71 W x 254 H


''Lone pine''  is a photographic, two-sided tapestry executed on flat, heavy cotton with the natural scent of Scots pine. (Pinus sylvestris).


The scent of the Scots pine stands for 'peace and space'. This says something about the outdoor feeling that the smell evokes and the ingredients that contribute to it. Pine scent has an expectorant power so that we literally feel the nose opening. Image and smell reinforce each other; the scent deepens breathing, creating space in the head and calming the mind. The image shows - in an ascending perspective - a single pine with space around it.


This work can hang freely in the room or, as here, against a back wall.


€ 2185,- (incl. 9% VAT) 

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Geurzicht tentoonstelling

Fotoimpressie 'GEURZICHT', Landgoed Drakenburg, Baarn

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