Overview of all upcoming exhibitions, activities and
March 2, March 23: KODO ceremony, a scent ritual from Japan
April 19-21: Group exhibition "De Onafhankelijken," featuring the olfactory art video "Memories of Buckwheat," Loods 6, Amsterdam
From May: Reopening of the 10-year Scent, Art, and Tree Route 'Neuzen in het Pinetum' at Pinetum Blijdenstein, Van der Lindenlaan 125, Hilversum
May 1 - June 10: Group exhibition Art Hilversum, Library Hilversum, 's Gravelandse weg 55, Hilversum
June 1: Museum Night Leiden: Lectures on scent psychology and scent experience + smelling olfactory art, Hortus Botanicus Leiden, Rapenburg 73, Leiden (times to be announced)
September 1 -8 December 2024: Solo exhibition 'Connecting Scents' in Villa Berg en Dal, Baarn
October 17, 2024 (in Dutch laguage) Workshop Olfactory Experience and Spiritual Care: An Exercise in Ecospirituality in collaboration with Prof. Hans Alma, Villa Berg en Dal, Jacob van Lenneplaan 12, Baarn (more information NL)
October 5 2024- 19 January 2025: Premiére olfactory installation 'Mille Fleurs (en route)'. " Exhibition with music, Flower Art museum, Aalsmeer. (more information will follow)
Fall 2024: KODO ceremony, a scent ritual from Japan
On request:
Olfactory walk (for duos and groups)
See also: working with scent
Highlights 2023
April - July 2023: Olfactory art exhibition 'Smells like Roses', Museum Te Awahou -Nieuwe Stroom, Foxton, New Zealand > PHOTO IMPRESSION
October - November 2023: Artist in residency project; follow on Instagram.
Scent art project 'OASIS; Olfactory art Sceneries in Scent', Olfactory art tour, for Seoul Gourmet Organization, Jeju Island, South Korea.
Just been
'Smells like Roses' , Olfactory art exhibition, Oranje hof, Museum Te Awahou -Nieuwe Stroom, Foxton, New Zealand | April-July 2023
'Power' | Group exhibition | Shed 6 | Amsterdam | May 2023
'Nature as a Guide' | Exhibition | Gallery DNA | Deventer | March - April 2023
' Sensory stimulating' | multi-sensory exhibition | Weaving house| Zaandijk | March - April 2023
'Brittle earth' | Event ; poem , music, dance and scented art | VU-Amsterdam at Apostolic Society | Amsterdam April 2023

This video is a collaboration between Japanese scent artist Hisako Inoue and Dutch scent artist Claudia de Vos
Japan and the Netherlands have a long and historical bond. Buckwheat is a (pseudo) grain that was and is an important source of nutrition in both the Netherlands and Japan.
People from different age groups and backgrounds were approached for the video. Hisako interviewed people in Japan while I did this in the Netherlands. Both the Dutch and Japanese 'test' (smell) subjects were offered preparations of buckwheat dishes in which we recorded the personal expression of the smell and taste experience of buckwheat. We see and hear personal stories and memories that the smell and taste have evoked; “Memories of Buckwheat'.
From Friday 19 to 21 April the premiere of 'Memories of Buckwheat' will take place at the exhibition of
the Independents, Shed 6

Still from Memories of Buckwheat
Anne-Marie Sniffing
image Claudia de Vos /
Exhibition of de Onafhankelijken and guests
April 19 - 21, 2024
Friday April 19 from 10am - 10pm
Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m
Sunday, April 21, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m
Festive opening: April 19, 5 p.m
Address: Warehouse 6
KNSM avenue 143
Entrance 2 Euro
Still from Memories of Buckwheat
Hiroaki Sniffing
image Hisako Inoue
Olfactory art video
"Memories of Buckwheat"
Negen geurverhalen
Olfactory video art door
Hisako Inoue and Claudia de Vos
Lengte: 20 min 39 sec
Through this video we connect worlds that are so different outwardly, but at the same time show us all from our human need for food and appreciating it; smelling and tasting.
During the video, the visitor can also smell the various buckwheat preparations that the participants also smelled. What is your memory?
We appreciate it if you share your experience in our guestbook.
During the exhibition in Loods 6 we are happy to provide further information:
Claudia is available every day from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Hisako can be present virtually between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM
Connecting Scents
12 september tot en met
8 december 2024
zondag 15 september:
Rondleiding door Claudia
van 13.00-14.00
Di t/m vrij 10.00-17.00
Zondagen: 15 September, 6 Oktober, 27 Oktober, 17 November en
8 December van 10.00- 15.00
Villa Berg en Dal
Jacob van Lenneplaan 12
Vrije entree​
In de villa Berg en Dal in Baarn, Centrum voor Religieus Humanisme, is van 12 september tot 8 december 2024 de geurkunsttentoonstelling ‘Connecting Scents’ van kunstenaar Claudia de Vos te bezoeken.
De tentoonstelling bestaat uit twee delen: ‘Boekweit en zijd’ en ‘New Tribal Scents’.
Geuren kunnen herinneringen oproepen, emoties versterken, en zelfs een gevoel van identiteit en culturele verbondenheid ondersteunen. We weten soms niet precies wát we ruiken, maar wel wat voor gevoel dit bij ons oproept. En zo is het gesprek, zonder dat we het in de gaten hebben, begonnen. En dat is precies de bedoeling van de geurkunst van Claudia de Vos.
‘Connecting Scents’ is de overkoepelende naam van deze geurkunsttentoonstelling, waarmee wordt verwezen naar de diepe, vaak onbewuste connectie van geuren met ons zelfgevoel, onze verbinding met de ander en onze spirituele ervaringen. Zowel in het eerste deel van de tentoonstelling, ‘Boekweit en zijd’, als in het tweede deel, ‘New Tribal Scents’, wordt de toeschouwer uitgenodigd om verder te gaan dan de oppervlakkige ervaring van het parfum en de diepere lagen van betekenis en herinnering te verkennen die met de geur zijn verbonden.
Geur kan een krachtige drager zijn van zowel persoonlijke als collectieve geschiedenis, en kan ons daardoor verbinden met culturele identiteiten en spirituele tradities, die soms generaties overspannen.
Cocoa ceremony
with rose ritual
spring 2023
location: Yurt "the GER"
Hilversumse meent
Heb je met elkaar iets bijzonders te vieren,
wil je ergens bewust bij stil staan?
Het Rozenritueel biedt ruimte om met elkaar een bijzondere herinnering te creëren.
De GER (yurt) is een fijne, geborgen plek om dit te doen.

Investment*: € 125 per person;
lunch included,
including bottle of rose hydrosol and LoveActivation window sticker.

What is it
You will be taken into a special sensory experience through taste, smell, music and a guided meditation. This can create a greater receptivity for creating good intentions and finding answers to possible inner questions. Everyone can participate at their own emotional level.
How does it work
By using the active substances of pure raw cocoa with its explicit taste and the fragrances of the rose, the senses are opened. A guided meditation takes this experience further through your body. While listening to music - generated live by a rose - we perform some 'ritual' actions with rose scent to reinforce your positive intentions.
At the end of the joint experience we have a light lunch; a mildly spiced Dahl soup with nan bread as served in temples in India. There will then be an opportunity, for those who wish, to exchange experiences.
Hiking nature experience with smell and feel
Group size 4 - 8
Contribution: 79, - per person
Dress warm and waterproof, bring your own cup; we provide tea.
When it drizzles we go anyway, during downpours we change the date
of the experience
booked on request
location: forest in Hilversum
Together with nature experience expert Agnes Meijs and scent psychologist Claudia de Vos, you will experience the forest with all your senses.
Agnes knows better than anyone how to perceive the forest in an 'earthly' way through forest baths, among other things. She has years of experience as a nature coach, where she uses nature as a mirror to discover yourself.
Claudia lets you become aware of the scents that nature produces with your nose. She lets you experience a spectrum of forest scents; the scent of the tree itself, its essential oil and the related stories. With a relaxing scent meditation in the forest for dessert. An afternoon of 'getting away from it all.'
And those who are captivated by the fragrance experience and cannot get enough of it, can purchase the new book (NL) by Claudia, 'Geurpsychologie voor iedereen' afterwards!
Tree heritages
(Neuzen in het Pinetum)
Route for the blind and visually impaired
April 23 - October 31 (annual)
Closed this year due to Corona
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 12:00 to 16:30
Pinetum Blijdenstein
Van der Lindenlaan 125
Tree heritages (Neuzen in het Pinetum) consists of a special scent, art and tree path located in botanical garden Pinetum Blijdenstein at Hilversum (the Netherlands). Pinetum Blijdenstein has one of the world's most complete collections of Gymnosperms - and is part of the Dutch National Plant Collection. The path I designed in 2014 for the Pinetum is a path that leads past a selection of trees. At five of these trees are chests placed with scented artifacts and audio, referring to the trees, bringing their stories to life.

na live bezoek nu ook online tentoonstelling GEURZICHT
sense of nature
Natural scents have healing powers and evoke images and memories that Claudia de Vos expresses in her art objects and installations. These scents, originating from flowers, plants and trees, can actually be smelled in the artworks themselves.
The exhibition includes fragrant ceramic statues, paintings and even tapestries. With Geurzicht, Claudia opens a window to the world of natural scents.

Mosmeisje (2021) | Claudia De Vos >
'Wild scents at' Die Brücke '- between nose and works of art'
Museum Kranenburgh
September 26, 2021
zondag 26 september 2021
Meer info volgt
Museum Kranenburgh
Hoflaan 26
Bergen NH
We connect with the outside world through our senses. Most visual artists use seeing to convey their inner world to the viewer. In the expressionism of 'Die Brücke' color and shape are used to convey a feeling; the idyll of the outdoors and the connection with nature in sensual colors and exuberant shapes. What would happen if we replaced seeing with smelling? How would the work of die Brücke look like? Can color and shape be translated into scent?
Fragrance workshop - Sensory lab
In this experimental sensory lab in museum Kranenburgh, scent psychologist and visual artist Claudia de Vos takes you into the world of smelling. We explore the effect of natural scents on the psyche in which memories and the ingredients of natural scents play a major role. You choose one of the works of the Brücke and you go to work in small (corona-proof) groups to make a 'translation' of the work into fragrance
During this sensory lab you can also experience one of Claudia's scent artworks
Symposium Spatial Well-Being
KunstLOC Brabant | LOC hal | Tilburg
Inspiration day with practical examples
Architects, designers, artists and musicians can contribute a lot to a pleasant care environment or 'a healing environment'. In this setting I lectured on scent psychology and olfactory Art.

Expo experience room
Ministry of Finance
Contemplation Zone
In this exhibition at the Ministry of Finance, the four-panel Cedar Tree Heritages
(3d wall objects with scent) where presented.
The project is a collaboration with curator Justine Kontou who had set up a special 'Contemplation Zone' for this purpose.

Foto :Nick Bookelaar
van De Onafhankelijken
14 tot 18 december 2022
Art chapel
Princess Irenestraat 19
Exhibition opening hours: daily 12.00- 18.00
Saturday 12.00- 21.00
Natural scents have a healing power and evoke images and memories that I express in my art objects and installations. These scents, coming from flowers, plants and trees, can also actually be smelled in the works of art themselves.
In this group exhibition I show the olfactory tapestry 'Woudh Wide Web'.

31 maart tot met 10 april 2023
Zinnenprikkelend is de titel voor de jubileumexpositie van stichting Het Weefhuis.
Na 20 jaar exposities voor zienden, wil het bestuur iets doen voor mensen met een visuele beperking. 10 dagen lang zal Het Weefhuis in het teken staan van de vijf zintuigen. Speciaal voor mensen met een visuele beperking, maar vooral ook voor iedereen die zich wil laten verrassen.
Ik toon er het olfactorische wandtapijt
'Touch of Nature'
Weefhuis, Lagedijk 39, 1544 BB Zaandijk
Wisselende openingstijden: